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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  December 2, 2013 10:00am-11:01am PST

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screaming child. >> but for the next few weeks, this prince leaves palace confidents far behind on a symbolic mission to help fellow soldiers rebuild their lives. max foster, cnn, london. wow. that's an adventure. >> that's a wonderful cause, too. >> it is. thanks for watching around the world". good to have you here. you'll be back tomorrow. >> with you. >> cnn newsroom starts right >> cnn newsroom starts right now. -- captions by vitac -- right now, investigators have the data recorders in hand and getting a better sense what may have caused a commuter trail to derail in new york city. four people were killed. right now, the white house is giving the new and improved obama care website some positive reviews. the obama administration says the site is running smoothly for the vast majority of users. and right now, president obama is getting ready for a speech marking world aids day. activists are calling for more money to combat hiv and aids.
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the president's remarks live this hour. hello, i'm wolf blitzer in washington. estart with a deadly commuter train crash in new york city. this morning had, crews started picking up derailed cars and putting some of them back on track. investigates are are poring over the wreckage to try to figure out how the train crashed. four people died, 67 others injured. one of the survivors spoke on cnn's "new day" this morning describing how she rode out the wreck. >> i wound up going kind of up one side and then just rode into where i was technically on the ceiling. and when it landed, i fell to the side where the windows had been smashed out into the ground. all of those windows had broken through, gravel and glass, big rocks that lined the track were all flying into the windows. i managed to put my bag in front of my face. i don't have any cuts. and then once i stood up, i just
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immediately was like i still have my phone. it's shattered but it would. i dialed 911. >> joining me with more are our own nic robertson and renee marsh. nick, you're there on the scene. any update first of all of the condition of some of those injured in the crash? >> we know 16 people were taken away for treatment. 67 people taken away for treatment. 16 at least remain in hospital. three of them are in critical condition. at st. barnabus hospital in the bronx. there are nine patients still there. seven in icu. the doctor there we talked to earlier today described how this isn't just a physical recovery. there's going to be a tough emotional recovery, as well ahead. >> for a lot of these people, the metro north train from upstate to new york city was their way of commuting to work. i think a lot of these people will have to contend with, you know, getting back to normal life at some point and having to get back on a metro north train
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that goes right through that the same area at some point. and i -- i think that's going to be very difficult for them, honestly, you know, i don't know how they're going to deal with that. i assume with the support of their family and you know, whatever mental health providers. you know, i'm sure there will be some degree of post traumatic stress for a number of the people. >> and wolf, the doctor also told us that some of those injuries are going to be life-changing injuries for some of the passengers. wolf? >> do we know, nick, how long this line is going to be out of service? >> well, it seems to be going relatively smoothly and quickly, lifting the cars off the dirt and back onto the track. we've been told it could be seven to ten days for the investigation part to play out here before the tracks can be handed back to the mta. it could be a number of days. but the early stages seem to
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indicate that it's progressing relatively smoothly, relatively quickly at the moment, wolf. >> let me bring rene into this conversation. investigators are trying to figure out what happened. i assume they found the data recorders. is that right? >> they did, wolf. the ntsb recovered two recorders. they downloaded information from one recorder at the site. and today, they tweeted out this picture of them downloading data from the second. at the ntsb lab in washington, d.c. we may get details about what is on these recorders at their press briefing that's expected about three hours from now. we know that the ntsb says the two recorders likely captured much of the same information, but there be some nuances between the two. additionally, wolf, we've learned from metro north that the railroad conducted routine drug and alcohol tests on the crew yesterday following the crash. the train did not have video cameras.
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additionally, metro north says it does inspect its tracks twice a week and as of the inspection before the incident, they say the track was okay for normal operations, wolf. >> and it's pretty surprising to me they didn't have video cameras. you would think in this day and age at least they would have that to review for investigators if there is an accident to review what happened. i know there's a technology called positive train and control or ptc designed to automatically stop or slow a train before certain accidents occur to prevent train to train collisions or derailments. do we know if this train had that technology? >> we know that this train did not have that technology. now, let's talk a little bit about the technology. it's a communications and signaling system that the ntsb says is capable of preventing accidents caused by human error. specifically excessive speed. also, failure to obey signals. now the technology, what it does is uses wi-fi and gps signals
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along with sensors along the railroad track to essentially track the train's location and speed restrictions. if the train is going too fast, well, on board equipment automatically either stops or slows down the train. again, this train did not have that technology. however, congress has set a december, 2015 deadline for all passenger trains and freight trains carrying hazardous materials to have this technology, wolf. >> rene will have a lot more on this story coming up. thanks very much, nic robertson, we'll get back to you, as well. let's move on to i health scare for passengers on a us airways express plane that landed in phoenix. one of the passengers is being tested for tuberculosis. it was taken off the plane when it landed stopped short of the terminal. the other passengers were told to see their doctors. >> we have been exposed to a person who has active
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tuberculosis. that was the extent of the information. nobody from us airways said a word. >> let's bring in senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen. the passenger also says they were told that their chance of infection is low. so how concerned should these passengers be about getting tb? >> i think the concern is quite low, wolf. let's look at what the cdc told us today. first of all, we don't even know that this gentleman has tb. they're testing him. no infectious disease has been confirmed so far in the passenger. even if a passenger had infectious tb, the duration of the flight was so short, there would likely be no risk of exposure to other passengers. the reason for that is tb is not the easiest disease in the world to get, not like chicken pox or flu which goes pretty easily from person to person. tb is tougher. you usually need, he posh to someone day in and day out to
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get tb from them. >> the man was on a medical no fly list. what do we know about that. >> it's when a local board of health gets concerned, or department of health gets concerned about someone, they have disease, they're not following doctor's orders not to get on a plane and they can report that up to the cdc. the cdc then asks the tsa to put them on a medical no fly list. according to the tsa, this gentleman got on the medical list but it was partway through the flight. obviously, that's kind of problematic. but it is important to note the cdc tells us they believe that this man was going to get on an international flight and they certainly stopped him from doing that. an international flight would be much riskier because it's much longer and easiest to give someone tb if you're sitting next to them hour after hour after hour. >> how exposed to germs are we whether he we fly. >> you certainly can catch a
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cold or the flu. you're next to a lot of people in a pretty confined space. but i will say that for tb, again, it is much harder to get. there have been many, many reports of people sitting next to someone with infectious tb and they haven't gotten tb from them even when they're on one of those lounge hall flights. >> elizabeth cohen, thanks very much. i know people who sit down in their seats and take out their sanitizers and wipe off everything, the tables, the head sets because they're so worried about germs. i guess it can't hurt to do that. >> it can't hurt. it depends how anxious you are about those things. if you're anxious, go ahead and do it. other people will say i'll be fine. in some a ways it comes down to personal preference. the most important thing is to watch your hands as much as possible whether on a plane or on the ground. >> good advice. thanks very much. a suspicious death outside an nfl game. three people now in police
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custody. we'll have the latest on the incident, the investigation and we'll have a live report. that's next. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 searching for trade ideas that spark your curiosity
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cortizone-10 has the strongest nonprescription itch medicine plus moisturizers to help heal skin fast. cortizone-10. feel the heal. police are investigating a suspicious death outside the kansas city chiefs stadium. it happened during yesterday's gail. three people are now in custody. ted rowlands is on the scene following the story. walk us through what we know, ted. what happened? >> well, wolf, the denver broncos were play plague the kansas city chiefs and apparently during the game, according to police three men came out to find a stranger inside their vehicle. an altercation ensued and that stranger, a 20-year-old man ended up dead. the first thing police have to figure out and they talked about
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it last night after the game is what caused this young man's death. >> we've talked to the hospital. we're trying to figure out exactly how this person died. they're saying there was no obvious signs how he died. he doesn't appear to be shot or stabbed. the medical examiner will have to determine exactly how he passed away. >> and we talked to the folks in kansas city from the police department just a few minutes ago. and they say an autopsy is going on today. they have three people in custody, wolf. but they don't expect to file charges against them till they figure out a cause of death and do more investigation. there's a search warrant out. they're actively investigating this. they do believe the three individuals that were in custody overnight will be released over the next few hours. they could be facing charges down the line. once they figure out exactly what happened. >> and as far as figuring out what happened, there have been some violent incidents at nfl games recently, but is there any reason to suspect that may be the case this time?
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>> they don't think it's a case of fan rivalry by any stretch of the imagination because they found this individual in the car. but was alcohol a factor? was fan adrenaline a factor in? if this scenario happened in a shopping mall, would he be dead? they're looking into those aspects of the cause, potential cause but they don't think it was a case of a bronco and chief fan going at it. there's no evidence of that. >> thanks very much for that. we'll see what happens in investigation. ted rowlands reporting. osama bin laden is dead. al qaeda leaders are on the run but is the u.s. any safer from the threat of a terrorist attack? two prominent lawmakers say no. you'll find out what peter bergen has to say about all of this. he's standing by to join us live when we come back. so my dog and i we're going to go find it. it's out there somewhere
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the leaders of the intelligence committees in congress have stark warnings about the fight against terrorism. they say terrorists are gaining ground right now and america is no safer than it was two years ago. the lawmakers say the killing of osama bin laden and other al qaeda leaders has given the u.s. a false sense of security. listen to what they told our candy crowley on cnn's "state of the union." >> are we safer now than we were a year ago, two years ago? in general? >> i don't think so. i think terror is up worldwide. the statistics indicate that. the fatalities are way up. the numbers are way up. there are new bombs, very big
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bombs, trucks being reinforced for those bombs. >> i absolutely agree that we're not safer today. for the same very reasons. so the pressure on our intelligence services to get it right to prevent an attack are enormous. it's getting more difficult because we see the al qaeda as we knew it before is metastasizing to something different. >> let's bring in national security analyst peter bergen joining us right now. one of the things that dianne feinstein just said, she said when she said that we're not safer than we were two years ago, there are new bombs she said, very big bombs, trucks being reinforced for these bombs. there are bombs that go through magnetometers. the bombmaker is still alive. there are more groups than ever and there's huge ma lev lens out there. when he she starred talking about these huge trucks reinforced that can go through magnetometers, that sounds pretty ominous to me.
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>> well, i think we're talking about two different things here, wolf. what is a threat to the united states and two, how is al qaeda and affiliated groups doing around the world. on the latter question, in places like hoob irk and syria is building the truck bombs described by senator feinstein and enjoying a renaissance in both countries. the next question is to what extent is that a threat to the united states. for the moment, these groups are being very focused on overthrowing the assad government in syria or the largely shia led government in iraq and shown no willingness of an attack to attack the united states. they have recruited a very small number of americans to fight in syria. maybe ten. we've had an american citizen dial in syria fighting alongside one of these groups. but does that mean you have a real threat to the homeland? that's a separate question. >> what does she mean when he she says there are bombs that go through magnetometers? >> i think she's referring to
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this extremely skilled bombmaker in yemen who has smuggled you know, are bombs on to a variety of planes. the underwear bomber of christmas day 2009 that was supposed to blow up over detroit. october 2010, two bombs that were put on a cargo plane's eventually headed to chicago. luckily those plots were interrupted. clearly this is a skilled bombmaker. he's still out there and that is a problem. >> when she says there are more groups than ever and there is, in her words, huge ma lev lance out there against the united states, do you agree with her on those two points? >> i certainly don't agree on the more groups out there. if you look back five years, wolf, there were probably eight countries in which al qaeda or affiliated groups had a significant presence. now there's 16. you can say that's good news or bad news. bad news there's more of them. the gud news is they're more diffuse. they may exist in more countries but often they're not doing well.
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in yemen, they've taken a lot of heat. in mali, they basically controlled half the country in the beginning of the year and now they don't because of the actions of the french army. in some place there's doing well and some places not so well. >> what is the status of al qaeda right now? not just al qaeda led by ayman al zawahiri, the successor to bin laden, but the al qaeda affiliate groups, those groups that support al qaeda may not necessarily be well coordinated but they sort of pledge their allegianceton al qaeda. >> well, in syria, they control much of northern syria. that speaks for itself. in iraq, they've created so much violence in iraq that it is as bad as it was back in 2008, wolf. you recall that was a very bad time in iraq. so you know it, kind of depends where we're talking. in somalia these groups have suffered real reverses. in yemen, in mali and so it
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depends where you look in the world. but certainly, some of these affiliates are doing well, some are not doing well. the parent organization, al qaeda central is really in deep trouble. >> peter bergen, always with a good strong analysis of what's going on. thanks very much for joining us. >> thank you. let's go to the white house right now. the president is delivering remarks marking world aids day right now. let's listen in. >> prime of their lives and spread from city to city and country to country seemingly overnight. today that picture has transformed thanks to the courage and love of so many of you in this room and around the world, awareness has soared. research has surged. prevention, treatment and care are now saving millions of lives, not only in the world's richest countries but in some of the world's poorest countries, as well. and for many, with testing and access to the right treatment, the disease that was once a death sentence now comes with a
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good chance of a healthy and productive life. and that's an extraordinary achievement. as president i've told you that in this fight, you'll have a partner in me and i said that if the united states wanted to be the global leader in combatting this disease, then we needed to act like it by doing our part. and by leading the world to do more together. that's what we've done in partnership with so many of you. we've created the first comprehensive national hiv/aids strategy rooted in a simple vision. that will every person should get access to life-extending care regardless of age or gender, race or ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity or socioeconomic status. we've continued to support the ryan white care act to help undeserved communities and we lifted the entry ban so that people with hib are no longer barred from the united states. which led to the international aids conference being held here last year for the first time in over 20 years. this summer, i issued an
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executive order creating the hiv care continuum initiative to boost our federal efforts to prevent and treat hiv. last month, i signed the hiv organ policy equity act to finally allow research into organ donations between people with hib, a step an chived with bipartisan support. thanks to the affordable care act, millions of americans will be able to get tested free of charge. americans uninsured will have access to affordable health care coverage and beginning in january, no american will be again denied health insurance because of their hiv status. you know, on world aids day, two years ago, i announce add additional $35 million for the aids drug assistance program, which helped people pay for life saving medications. at one time, the need was so great that over 9,000 people were on the wait list. we vowed to get those numbers down. i'm proud to announce that as of last week, we have cleared that
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wait list. we are down to zero and we're going to keep working to get it down. so we're making progress. but we're all here today because we know how much work remains to be done. here in the united states, we need to keep focusing on investments to communities that are still being hit hardest, including gay and by sexual men, african-americans and latinos. we need to keep up the fight in our cities. including washington, d.c., which in recent years has reduced diagnosed infects by nearly half and we're going to keep pursuing scientific break flupz today i'm pleased to announce a new initiative at the national institutes much health to vance research into a hiv cure. we're going to redirect $100 million into this project to develop a new generation of therapies. because the united states should be at the forefront of new
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discoveries how to put hiv into long-term remission without requiring lifelong therapies or better yet, eliminate it the completely. and, of course, this fight extends far beyond our borders. and when i became president, i inherited president bush's phenomenal program pepfar which has helped millions around the world receive treatment. and we haven't just sustained those efforts. we've expanded them, reaching and serving even more people, especially mothers and children. earlier this year, pepfar reached a wonderful milestone. the 1 millionth baby born without hiv. that alongside -- that alongside an the rapid decline in new hiv infections and deaths from aids in sub sa share ran africa. on my visit to south africa this year, i visited a clinic run by bishop desmond tutu and had the
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honor of spending time with some of their patients and counselors and outreach workers and doctors. every day they are doing extraordinary work. when you visit this facility, you cannot help but be inspired by what they do each and every day. in part thanks to the support of the united states of america. they're saving lives and they're changing the way their country and the world approaches this disease. and that's work that we have to continue to advance. on world aids day. >> the president making the case for important research and funding for aids to make sure that will on this world aids day, we do not forget those in need. the progress that already has been made, much more though needs to be made. we're going to continue to monitor the president speaking on this important subject on this world aids day. other news we're following including the top news we're following this hour. diagnosing a disaster. the ntsb has data recorders now in hand, but what can they tell them about the deadly train dee
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derail. in new york city? i'll talk about that with a former ntsb managing director. that's next. multivitamin designed for men's health concerns as we age. with 7 antioxidants to support cell health. one a day men's 50+. before using her new bank of america credit card, which rewards her for responsibly managing her card balance. before receiving $25 toward her balance each quarter for making more than her minimum payment on time each month. tracey got the bankamericard better balance rewards credit card, which fits nicely with everything else in life she has to balance. that's the benefit of responsibility. apply online or visit a bank of america near you. where their electricity comes from. they flip the switch-- and the light comes on. it's our job to make sure that it does. using natural gas this power plant can produce enough energy for about 600,000 homes.
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people and injured dozens more. they've downloaded data from both of the on board recorders, tweeted out this picture of one of them. the recorders will play an important role in helping to determine if speed was a factor. joining us the former ntsb managing director peter goelz. how much are we going to learn? investigators from there's recovered data recorders? >> i think we're going to learn a great deal. i think if we're focusing in on speed and braking, the data recorders, while they're not as complex as aviation data recorders, it will give you the essential information. most importantly, it will give you a little historical information. were the brakes functioning at the previous stop? i think we'll know a lot more at the 4:00 briefing. >> the train operator says he tried to apply the brakes but that it still wouldn't stop the train. have you heard about this happening before? >> that's pretty unusual. i think there's going to be two things that the ntsb are going
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to really zero in on the next couple days. one is, what was this is driver's situation in terms of work rules? you know, the 72 hours before? was he getting the appropriate rest? was he in any way ta teagued on the day of the accident? secondly, they'll be looking at distractions. was this driver paying attention to his job be? hopefully, there was no use of handheld personal devices like cell phones or computers. hopefully, he was paying attention and then they'll zero in on the equipment on whether the equipment functioned as advertised. >> it's pretty shocking to me, peter, there are no video cameras on these trains that would obviously be very useful right now in an investigation. why is that? >> well, that has been a controversial issue for a number of years. and it focuses in on union work rules. you know, the engineers in the cabs do not like to have videotape recordings taking
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place. they believe that they'll be misused by management and they'll be misused in the public domain. even though you know, the voice recorders on, in, cockpits of airplanes have been very well protected. there is no reason why we can't have video recordings in the cabins. >> it's surprising in this day and age. the other thing that's pretty surprising to me, it he will me where i'm wrong, if i am, no seat belts. there are seat belts on cars and planes. but on trains, there are no seat belts and those who were killed i think, all of them were ejected, thrown off the train. >> i think the ntsb is about going to look at that issue of the ejections to see the crash worthiness of these cars made by bombard way. we looked and considered seat belts on trains. there is not enough data to justify requiring them and because of the mass transit applications of rail, boy, it's
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almost impossible to implement that kind of rule. >> well, let me throw this out at you. if those four people who died died because they were thrown off those train cars, they might have lived if they would have been fastened in in a seat belt, right? >> you are absolutely right. and they will look at that. it's going to be an issue that will be discussed. >> we'll learn a lot more 4:00 p.m. eastern at the news conference. we'll have live coverage here. peter, thanks very much for helping us. >> thank you, wolf. the obama care wen site may be working better but expanding coverage is the no the only issue. sanjay gupta says insurance alone won't make us healthier. standing by live. we'll talk to him when we come back. [ male announcer ] this is george.
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as different as night and day, that's how the obama administration describes the website after the weekend deadline to try to fix it. officials now say the site could handle 50,000 users at the same time and about 800,000 consumer visits a day. the average response time is less than one second. that's down from eight seconds. the obama administration admits there are still problems. insurers complain about so-called back end issues and point to enrollment files with missing or inaccurate data. some cases they're not getting any enrollment data at all. . the white house says it's working to fix those problems. obama care is designed to help more people get insurance coverage. what about making americans healthier? dr. sanjay gupta is joining us to you. you wrote a very provocative
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article on, it's now posted which says there's too much focus on the website. explain the driving point you're making here. >> well, i think everyone's focused on the website and it's become this horse race looking at numbers from month to month and figuring out just how well the site is going to work. obviously it's very important. i've talked about this quite a bit. if you look at some off the goals of health reform overall, not just health insurance reform but health reform, it was certainly about increasing access so more people had health care insurance but more so, it was about trying to create a healthier america. and that was sort of the point of my article was let's not lose sight of the big picture in all of this and how do we create a healthier america. there was a fascinating study done a few years ago out of the state of oregon. it looked at people who had just received medicaid compared to a similar group of people who did not receive medicaid. it sort of watched them over a series of years. and it found that the people who
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were now newly insured did go to the doctor more often, they did get more care. but here was the interesting thing. they were less likely to be any healthier. they didn't get as much in terms of cardiac numbers looking at heart disease rick. they weren't any better than the people uninsured. the point is health insurance alone isn't going to make us healthier. i think it's a very important point, wolf. >> you make another important point involving what's called this notion of moral hazard. in some cases insurance might actually be counterproductive. explain? >> this is more of an economics theory, but it's interesting how it might apply with regard to insurance. again, there was a fascinating study that came out that looked at in particular men who had recently received medicare. they had been uninsured for a while but recently received medicare. what they found was a little strange, that in fact, many of the things that you'd expect in terms of their health went in the opposite direction.
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they were 40% less likely to exercise, 16% of them more of them were smoking. 32% were having more than one drink a week. it was fascinating. they received insurance and for some reason, started behaving badly with regard to some of the aspects of their health. obviously, correlation and causation are not the same thing but this idea if you have insurance, does it really make you healthy? does health insurance make us healthier? i think the answer is no, and in the case i just described, it could actually have an adverse effect. >> making healthy staying away from cigarettes, getting regular checkups will make you healthy. you also write this. access to health care insurance is not nearly enough if we are serious about a more healthy america, the real change starts in each and every one of us. it's not that hard to do. go ahead. tell us what we all need to know.
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>> let me say a couple things. there was a study looking at just if every american david mccullough 30 minutes of exercise a day. that's it. every american 30 minutes a day, then you col actually cut the risk of heart disease and stroke by a third. that's now. if you want to talk about real impact in terms of making us a healthier place, that is real impact far more than insurance which is very important but far more than that would do in terms of a healthier america. i say this as a doctor. we always tell patients as they walk out of the room to make sure to eat right. what does that mean? have we done a good enough job providing nutritional counselling to people? we focus on pulling people out of the fire after they've had serious damage to their bodies but food is medicine. we could advise people and educate people what that means. we're starting to make real dents, impact in terms of a healthier america. this idea overall it's not just about playing defense and swatting at flies and believing we are preordained to heart
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disease and diabetes. i was that way, too. instead, it's this idea we can't optimize ourselves and we are nowhere near that right now. none of the other stuff, would unless we focus on some of that. that's within us. that's what i meant by that. >> that's a good point. all of these points are excellent points. i want viewers to go to, read the entire article and learn important ob potentially life-saving information. thanks very much. so forget the crowds and the brawls at the stores. today, the focus shifts to online shopping. i want to tell you which retailers are pinning their hopes on a big cyber monday. and she's not exactly tidy. even if she gets a stain she'll wear it for a week straight. so i use tide to get out those week old stains and downy to get it fresh and soft. since i'm the one who has to do the laundry. i do what any expert dad would do. i let her play sheriff. i got 20 minutes to life. you are free to go. [ dad ] tide and downy. great on their own, even better together.
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[ dad ] tide and downy. and our networks are getting crowded. but if congress, the fcc, and the administration free up... more licensed wireless spectrum, we can empower more... people to innovate, create new technologies and jobs... and strengthen the economy. america is the world's leader in wireless. let's keep it that way. free up licensed spectrum today, so wireless... can do more for america tomorrow. ♪ [ male announcer ] it started long ago. the joy of giving something everything you've got. it takes passion. and it's not letting up anytime soon. if you're eligible for medicare, you might know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses.
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the rest is up to you. call now and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they help pay some of the difference. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. plus, there are no networks, and virtually no referrals needed. so don't wait. call now to request a free decision guide to help you understand medicare. and which aarp medicare supplement plan might work best for you. there's a range to choose from, depending on your needs and your budget. and they all travel with you -- anywhere in the country. best of all, you'll be joining the millions who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations.
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♪ remember, all medicare supplement insurance plans help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. you'll be able to choose any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. with virtually no referrals needed. so call now to request a free decision guide and learn more. after all, when you're going the distance, it's nice to have the experience and commitment to go along with you. keep dreaming. keep doing. go long. see what the markets are doing right now. a cautious start to december trading after a record run in november. there you see the dow jones draels right now about 32, 33 points. markets could remain quiet most of the week ahead of the big october jobs report due out friday morning, 8:30 a.m. eastern. >> after three days of long
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lines and testy shoppers, the hunt for bargains continues online today. some reports are holiday shopping overall has been sluggish so far this year. alison kosik is joining us. cyber monday has become a crucial day for the retail industry. how do we think this year is stacking up? >> even though, wolf, this is a huge day for retailers, they really aren't shopping shoppers to go gang busters. it came about in 2005 because back then, people at home had slow internet speeds, so they would wait until they get to work to do their shopping after black friday. now the technology has improved. even though people shop online all the time, they expect to snag a deal on cyber monday and it's grown into the biggest day of the year for online shopping. just today, more than 131 million shoppers plan to shop from their computers or mobile devices. that's 2 million people who
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shops online than last year. they are expected to spend a lot $1.8 billion. one shop says it is worth it. 8 out of 10 retailers are offering specific cyber monday deals. here's the problem for retailers. even with the sales, a lot of firms have forecast spending overall this holiday season isn't going to be great. the national retail fredricka whitfield federation said retailers have seen the first decline in numbers since 2009. >> so if the spending is relatively subdued, the stock market has been soaring in recent months. actually, it's been going crazy. there seems to be a disconnect. what's going on? >> there is a huge disconnect. people in the market have been making tons of money. not necessarily turning around and spending it. economists had hoped a number of improvements we're seeing in the economy, including rebounding home sales and car sales, the hope is that would build momentum to a stronger holiday shopping season.
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here's what's happening. some of the spending that consumers did on the big-ticket items, that may have cut into holiday budgets so it winds up being a double-edged sword. also a lot of the upper-income american whose are invested in the money, they have the money, and the lower-income ones, the benefits aren't making the awards from the stock prices going up and up. >> good explanation. thanks very much. how about getting the cyber monday purchases delivered by drones? it's an idea that is apparently not so far fetched. we'll tell you why. that's next. plus, one of tv's hottest shows, but did you know "scandal's" olivia pope is based on a real person. tonight, piers morgan sits down with judy smith, the woman with all of the secrets to crisis control. 9:00 p.m. only on cnn.
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if you want your cyber monday gifts delivered right away, drones may be the answer. yes, online retailer amazon reveals its plans onp sunday during a "60 minutes" interview. they will be ready in the next four to five years. brian, it seems far fetched at fifrs glance. how would this work? >> they say they can deliver these products to your doorstep
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with these drones, which they call the program prime air. jeff bezos, the ceo of amazon, revealed this on cbs's "60 minutes" and explained some of the capabilities these drones might have. take a listen to what he said. >> half hour delivery. >> half hour delivery? >> and carry objects up to 5 pounds, which covers 86% of the products we deliver. >> bezos said these could deliver products within a ten-mile radius of the fulfillment centers amazon has around the country. in some of the areas where they have the centers, those are large population centers, so a ten-mile radius will cover a lot of ptential customers. these will be autonomous, meaning there won't be someone with a joystick in front of a screen operating these things. they will program the
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coordinates of your house on gps and the amazon drone will fly there. but some potential pitfalls, the weather could be a problem. they could be hacked, knocked off course, and this also said they wanted to prevent these from falling out of the sky and hitting us all in the head. those are some of the things they're going to do to tweak their development of these objects. >> there's a lot of skeptics out there. they're hearing about this, brian. i guess the question, is this really a legitimate part of amazon's strategy or a publicity stunt for cyber monday. >> clearly, the timing was designed to unveil this in time for cyber monday, but the way jeff bezos was talking about it and amazon is talking about it, i think they believe this is going to be a legitimate delivery option. they have to make sure these things are safe, they have to make sure that all of the other safety considerations are in place, but they believe this is going to be a legitimate option for customers and they think they can make it work very
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efficiently. >> brian will have more in "the situation room" later today. thanks very much. >> if you watch the b.e.t. soul tra train awards from las vegas last night, you may have seen alicia quarles and me make a presentation. >> me, a 30-something-year-old black woman who has been born and raised on soul music. what about you? >> and me, older white guy who likes to sing chaka kahn and stevie wonder songs in the shower. i have been invited in recent years to the soul train awards and i thoroughly enjoy the evening. it's a really fun event. like so many in my generation, i grew up in buffalo, new york, watching don cornelius and soul train. i loved the music, the outfits, everything about the show, that's why i was so excited when paxton baker who produces the show, invited me years age. last night, there was a wonderful tribute to dionne
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warwick, and also doug e. fresh. it will replay next sunday night. thanks to andy cohen of bravo for giving me a mauzal for my appearance on the soul train awards. who would have thought? that's it for me. i'll be back at 5:00 p.m. eastern in "the situation room." news room continues right now with brooke baldwin. >> and i'm brooke baldwin live from new york. thanks for joining me on this monday. i want to begin with an absolute tragedy. an eyewitness denies drag racing played a part in the death of fast and furious franchise star paul walker. los angeles county havi ay inves say they are pursuing the possibility this car was racing. look at this with me. this is a photograph that shows walker just next to this porsche in which he ultimately died in. a 2005 carrera gt, and as more and more details come